Cygames Calendar March 2022: Hinamatsuri Theme

Liven up your PC or smartphone with the Cygames Calendar! We have one of our illustrators create a uniquely themed image each month and ask them to tell us about their creative process. March’s theme is “Hinamatsuri.”
Hinamatsuri is a special day in Japan during which families pray for the health, happiness, and prosperity of young girls. Hinamatsuri is celebrated annually on March 3rd, just in time for the arrival of spring. Families commemorate the day by decorating their homes with beautiful dolls and making offerings of colorful rice cakes and peach blossoms.
Let this month’s image bring some holiday cheer to your PC or smartphone!
Click here for this month’s calendar image.

- Illustration TeamAsumi
- Holding a major in Western art from her university’s Faculty of Education, Asumi is responsible for the coloring of Cygames’ ongoing titles. Asumi specializes in illustrations that showcase movement.
Gluttonous Empress
Using magic to conjure food.
What was your intention with this illustration?
- Asumi
- I wanted to portray a scene in which a Hina doll from Hinamatsuri uses magic to conjure up hina-arare (rice crackers that look like snow pellets), hishi mochi (a three-layered rice cake typically eaten during this time), and other treats.
It’s so charming how she’s nibbling on the sweet dumplings with such a straight face. Why is she making that face?
- Asumi
- That’s because the hishi mochi she conjured up for herself has been eaten by warbling white-eyes (the green birds in the image), which has ticked her off somewhat.

The warbling white-eyes give the scene even more of a spring feeling, don’t they?
- Asumi
- I actually had about eight different ideas for the March theme when I first started—warbling white-eyes, graduation ceremonies, White Day, peach blossoms, and the list goes on. I settled on Hinamatsuri because it seemed to be the best expression of March in Japan, but I decided to add in some warbling white-eyes while I was at it.

What inspired the designs of the hair ornament, kimono, and lantern?
- Asumi
- I started with the idea that it’d be interesting to combine Hinamatsuri, which has been around for a long time, with elements of Cygames-style fantasy. From a distance it’s just a Hina doll (which is a figure meant to represent the Emperor or Empress of Japan), but I added boots, accessories, and other small details to give her a bit of Western flair while striking the right balance with the more traditional aspects.

The use of soft colors throughout the illustration gives it a calming aura. What was on your mind when you were deciding what colors to use?
- Asumi
- Generally speaking, I prefer softer colors. Plus, because Hinamatsuri is an event for children, I didn’t think many adults would want to set the illustration as their wallpaper if I used the typical bright colors associated with the festival. With that in mind, I chose a soft gray as the base, and used Hinamatsuri colors for the accents.

Which part of the illustration felt the most natural to work on?
- Asumi
- I’d say it was bringing out the sense of movement in places such as the Hina doll’s hair and the branches. I paid close attention to getting the shape and positioning just right.
Conversely, what would you say you had the most trouble with?
- Asumi
- Normally I would work not just with lines and colors, but also lighting and shadows to add more texture and detail. This time, however, I wanted to present something more simple, which in turn meant I had a hard time with the finishing touches.
What did you study at university?
- Asumi
- I was enrolled in my university’s Faculty of Education, but they also offered many art-related courses, so I majored in Western art.
What is the best part about being an illustrator?
- Asumi
- When I was at school, I had a hard time deciding whether to sign up for the Self-Defense Force or really pursue illustration (laughs). Thinking about it now, I don’t think there’s any job that fits my strengths and personality more. I feel happy every day about having become an illustrator.
Do you draw in your free time as well?
- Asumi
- Yeah, I’ve been drawing a lot recently and I don’t plan on stopping. I’ve been able to put my new knowledge to use at work as well, and I definitely feel my skills are improving faster as a result.
As an illustrator, is it hard for you to switch off your work brain when you’re done for the day?
- Asumi
- For sure. Whether I’m traveling or picking out clothes and stuff, I always end up thinking to myself “Can I use this in my drawings?”
On a final note, do you have a message for the readers?
- Asumi
- I hope my illustration helps fans get into the spring spirit and gives them the urge to rush out and get some hina-arare and sweet dumplings.
Calendar Preview

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