Cygames Calendar June 2022: Rainy Day Fashion Theme

Liven up your PC or smartphone with the Cygames Calendar! We have one of our illustrators create a uniquely themed image each month and ask them to tell us about their creative process. June’s theme is “Rainy Day Fashion.”
Feel free to use this month’s image as the background for your PC or smartphone!
Click here for this month’s calendar image.

- Illustration TeamSatomi
- Satomi studied character design and game illustration at a technical school. At Cygames, she is responsible for various elements of character design for ongoing titles, from rough sketches to coloring. She specializes in drawing chibi-style characters and using striking, eye-popping color palettes.
Colors dancing in the rain:
Live a life full of energy and joy
The rainy season usually has the impression of being gloomy and damp, but your illustration is bright and joyful, isn’t it? Why did you choose “Rainy Day Fashion” as your theme?
- Satomi
- I wanted to draw an illustration that would cheer people up when they see it, like how I feel when I see people out and about with cute umbrellas and raincoats on rainy days. So I tried to evoke the feeling of colors dancing and bouncing in the rain.
The character really radiates positive energy. Could you tell us more about the girl in the illustration?
- Satomi
- I imagined a bouncy, energetic, and bright girl who would always fly out of her house come rain or shine.

With the theme of rainy day fashion in mind, what would you say is the highlight of the outfit here?
- Satomi
- The rainboots and raindrop-shaped hairpins. I chose yellow and pink accents because those colors really go well together.

Which part of the illustration felt the most natural to work on?
- Satomi
- That would be working on the fluttering of the frog-design teru teru bozu (a doll crafted to ward off rain), and the expressiveness of the hands. I really enjoyed drawing the free and spontaneous lines.

Conversely, what would you say you had the most trouble with?
- Satomi
- The simpler parts, where even slightly tweaking the saturation and brightness can completely change the art’s impression—they were difficult to get just right.
Being in charge of character design for ongoing titles, what kinds of things influence your outfit illustrations?
- Satomi
- I like fantasy-esque costumes that are a little different from the outfits you see in everyday life, so seeking out a range of wonderfully creative designs always gives me lots of ideas.
Did you enjoy drawing during your childhood?
- Satomi
- Of course. I was that kid who always had coloring books on hand and scribbled a bunch in notebooks.
What made you decide to become an illustrator?
- Satomi
- At first, I was just drawing pictures of my favorite characters and series, and I never thought I would actually become an illustrator. However, as I continued to draw, I was fortunate to encounter many opportunities that led me to where I am today.
What is the best part about being an illustrator?
- Satomi
- I love the fact that I can use any designs and patterns that I like in my works. Also, it’s amazing getting to see the reactions to pieces I have created.
Do you draw in your free time as well?
- Satomi
- Yes, I do. To the point of going all night without even realizing it.
On a final note, do you have a message for the readers?
- Satomi
- Even on a rainy day without much sunlight, I would be honored if my illustration added some brightness to your day.
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